How To Get Traffic From Facebook, StumbleUpon, google+, youtube and twitter. As you know Facebook can produce huge traffic by spreading the post to friends and friends of friends. But does your website/blog gets traffic from Facebook really? According to Wikipedia Facebook has over one billion active users. Facebook the most used social networking service by worldwide monthly active users. In this post I am going to show some tricks that will definitely increase your Facebook followers and ultimately traffic to your blog/website.
How To Increase Followers on Facebook
Step 1: Register yourself to addmefast and youlikehits serives for free.
The easiest and quick method of increasing followers on Facebook is using services like addmefast and youlikehits. These website lets you to increase your followers on Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon and YouTube. I tried addmefast and it works very fast because there are so many users using these services.
Step 2: Confirm Your Email
Step 3: Log-in and add sites (Facebook page)
After verifying your Email address you can log in to addmefast. When you first time log in to addmefast you got 50 points free. You can earn points by sharing/following/liking other users (posts).
Click on Add Sites/Pages Button
Next thing you need to do is to choose network type (like StumbleUpon Followers/Facebook Likes etc). You need to provide your Username/ID to which other people can start follow you. Also you need to set points earned by following you (range min 2 to max 10). You can add multiple network in a single account. Click save changes button and you are done. However you need to like other people posts or follow them to earn points.
This technique definitely increase your like numbers, however some followers may be unlike/unfollow you after getting points. even though this technique gives good result. I found this technique useful and it really helps me to increase my Facebook followers and ultimately traffic from Facebook.
Enjoy, Have a great day.
How To Increase Followers on Facebook
Step 1: Register yourself to addmefast and youlikehits serives for free.The easiest and quick method of increasing followers on Facebook is using services like addmefast and youlikehits. These website lets you to increase your followers on Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon and YouTube. I tried addmefast and it works very fast because there are so many users using these services.
Addmefast is free social exchange network which helps you grow your social presence. Addmefast lets you to increase Facebook likes, Facebook subcriptions, Google circles, Google +1 , Twitter followers, YouTube views , YouTube channel subscription, YouTube Video likes , Pinterest followers, Soundcloud music listening, Digg followers, StumbleUpon followers and Website hits.
Step 2: Confirm Your Email
Step 3: Log-in and add sites (Facebook page)
After verifying your Email address you can log in to addmefast. When you first time log in to addmefast you got 50 points free. You can earn points by sharing/following/liking other users (posts).
Click on Add Sites/Pages Button
Next thing you need to do is to choose network type (like StumbleUpon Followers/Facebook Likes etc). You need to provide your Username/ID to which other people can start follow you. Also you need to set points earned by following you (range min 2 to max 10). You can add multiple network in a single account. Click save changes button and you are done. However you need to like other people posts or follow them to earn points.
Top 20 Sites to Increase Your Social Presence (Addmefast Alternative)
Here are the top 20 sites that you can use to increase your social presence.-
This technique definitely increase your like numbers, however some followers may be unlike/unfollow you after getting points. even though this technique gives good result. I found this technique useful and it really helps me to increase my Facebook followers and ultimately traffic from Facebook.
Enjoy, Have a great day.
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