29 June 2014

How to send Canned Responses in Gmail

You may be tired of sending same email message everyday as a responding email or a reporting email. Every time you cannot type or copy and paste from notepad file. Gmail has a solution to send similar emails responses to many people. Google labs has a feature called Canned Responses. This feature allows you to save the emails as Canned Response, you can send same email to many people without copy and paste the email multiple times. You can save many canned responses under different title names.

Send Canned Responses in Gmail

How to send same response email multiple times

Login to your Gmail account.

Click on settings icon from top right corner and select Settings from the drop down menu.

gmail settings

Go to the Labs tab.

gmail labs

Scroll down and locate Canned Responses. Select Enable radio button and click on Save Changes button at the top or bottom. If you didn't identify Canned Responses search canned responses at search for a lab.

enable gmail canned response

Now your Browser will reload your Gmail.

Compose email which you will use multiple times. You can save this email as response mail. Click on drop down icon near trash icon on composing email popup. Select Canned responses and New canned response...

Save gmail canned response

A popup window appears asking you to name the response message to save. Type the response name and click OK

gmail canned response name

When you like to send multiple response or reply emails. Click on the dropdown icon near the trash button on composing popup and select Canned response and choose the saved response email. The saved email will appear on the compose window.

calling saved gmail canned response

Now you may have to do some editing works like changing names, dates and email address. Now you can send the email.

send gmail canned response mail

This method reduces time and makes every emails personalized.

Valga valamudan


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