26 June 2014

How to embed Youtube video in Wordpress blog

Wordpress blogs usually contains images, videos and audios formatted contents to attract visitors and to illustrate the idea behind the article. Best practice is, upload videos to video servers like Youtube, Vimeo. If you upload videos directly to Wordpress blog, site loading time increases also you will lose your Youtube fans and Youtube traffic to your website. So you should not upload videos to Wordpress directly. Thus you have to embed Youtube videos in your Wordpress blog post.

Wordpress is adding tons of user friendly features regularly in its updates. Wordpress added oEmbed feature it makes easier to embed Youtube video in Wordpress blog. In this article we will share how to easy embed third party videos to Wordpress blog post.

How to Embed Videos in Wordpress Blog Posts

Login to your Wordpress blog

Compose new blog post.

On the required video position in the new post just paste the video url. (Make sure the the video url is not hyperlinked.

Embedding with url

Here is a video embeding method in Wordpress.
Extremely easy

Using shortcode to customize video size

[embed width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xn0HXD4h6Q[/embed]


<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/4xn0HXD4h6Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tips and tricks on embeding video in Wordpress blog

To start video at defined time frame.

If you want to start video from second minute instead of playing from beginning and ?t=2m or #t=2m or ?start=120 as below.

Embedding url technique

Using shortcode technique

[embed width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xn0HXD4h6Q?t=2m[/embed]
iframe technique

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/4xn0HXD4h6Q?start=120" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Responsive video

Youtube video is not responsive. It is irrespective of your theme is responsive or not. to solve this problem add Fitvids for Wordpress plugin.

Install and activate this plugin the embedded videos on your website will be responsive without any further settings. If you like to change the settings on FitVid go to Appearance - Fitvids

This method of embedding also works for the following websites.

oEmbed on Wordpress supports

Valga valamudan


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